Change the way you move with Omeo. Book a demo today.

A feature.

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A feature.

Text entered in this field will display below the icon and heading and can be formatted to add links but we recommend only using paragraph (body) text in this field.

A feature.

Text entered in this field will display below the icon and heading and can be formatted to add links but we recommend only using paragraph (body) text in this field.

A feature.

Text entered in this field will display below the icon and heading and can be formatted to add links but we recommend only using paragraph (body) text in this field.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor dolor metus a porttitor nisl fringilla tempor, curabitur imperdiet erat at,”

Name Here, Location AZ

Take an Omeo for a spin. →

Get in touch to book a location and time for your Omeo America demo.

Get in touch to book a location and time for your Omeo America demo. Omeo uses unique, intuitive self-balancing segway technology. In no time, you’ll feel like the Omeo is an extension of your body as you move your core to change direction and speed. Test drive an Omeo today!

We’ll get in touch with you within 24 hours to coordinate a time and location for your demo. Omeo is distributed exclusively in North America by Ascension, a division of AGM Container Controls. AGM is an ISO9001/AS9100 certified manufacturer located in Tucson, Arizona.